About Me
My name is Hannah Boutwell.

My Story

My name is Hannah Boutwell, I am a first year full-time missionary at Damascus. I am originally from Fort Wayne Indiana, and the second oldest of seven kids! I was born and raised Catholic but didn’t come to know the person of Jesus until I was a senior in high school. Through my encounter with Him, I felt the call on my heart to serve Him as a missionary. I didn’t know where or even what that meant at the time, but through His goodness and grace He lead me to Damascus. I served two summers prior to becoming a full-time missionary, my first summer in Ohio as a counselor and my second year as a counselor in Wisconsin. I fell more and more in love with the Lord has through that He showed me why he called me to serve Him as a missionary. He has put an unquenchable hunger in my heart for His children to know Him as a good and loving Father, and to have a life altering encounter with that love. He has allowed me to see His Glory in many ways and I desire for His Church to also encounter the Glory of God.