About Me
My name is Jake Cermak.

My Story

Hello! Thank you for helping to spread the joy and promise of the Gospel! I grew up in Parma, Ohio, went to Cleveland State for Business Management and then landed a dream position with ESPN in Orlando! I worked for ESPN and then the Lord called me back to Cleveland during the pandemic which lead me to working full time and starting a woodworking company. I was growing, I was helping to run a business, I was making money - and something was missing, but I did not know what it was at the time. Actually, I did not know Who it was at the time. I had grown up Catholic, but through an amazing men's community and the Lord's presence, He truly began to come into my life and called me into the seminary. I have just finished my 2nd year of formation towards the Catholic Priesthood at St. Mary's Seminary in the Diocese of Cleveland and that is only possible to the fact that I am falling more and more in love with Jesus everyday. I am so beyond grateful for the amazing family I have, opportunities I have been given, and a God who loves me beyond belief. The first time I met the person of Jesus Christ was at an Empower Young Adult Conference at Damascus and the Lord guided me to apply to serve at Damascus help others encounter Him in the life-changing way I did! He has changed my path, freed me from the chains I was held down by, and given me life and purpose when I was directionless. I thank you for prayerfully joining and supporting me on this journey to help bring the reality of Jesus Christ to the lives of others! Please know of my prayers and gratitude for you! In Christ, Jake