About Me
My name is Olivia Ash.

My Story

Hi! My name is Olivia and I am so excited and thankful that you have opened your heart to me and the mission at Damascus! I grew up in Hilliard, Ohio and went to St. Brendan's for all my elementary and middle school years. Now, I go to Bishop Watterson Highschool and will be graduating in 2025. Even though I have attended Catholic school and Sunday Mass all my life, I only ever knew of God, but I didn't know Him. When I opened my heart to Jesus in 2021, I had never gone to CYSC or knew anything about a life rooted in Christ. Now, my life has been radically transformed in every way by the love and forgiveness of Jesus! The first time I ever experienced Jesus was at CYSC '21. I knew the moment I left Damascus, I wanted to help the youth rediscover Jesus. Since this life defining week, I became a high school missionary at St. Brendan's youth group; The Vine, I help lead Prayer Club at school, I have gone on my first ever mission trip, I have been an advocate for life at March for Life, and I am now a summer missionary for CYSC '24. Being on mission was something I thought would only be possible after college, but ever since I received the call to missionary life, opportunity after opportunity has come my way to truly be on mission. With your support whether it be financial or spiritual, it will help me to live my call to Christ. Will you join me this summer in bringing Christ to the next generation of saints? I thank you for any and all support during this great adventure. In Christ, Olivia