William Clifford

About Me
My name is William Clifford.

My Story

Howdy! Thanks taking the time to hear about the graces I've been given and the mission to which I have been called. I was raised cradle Catholic in Westfield Indiana, receiving a great Catholic education at St Maria Goretti Catholic school all through 8th grade. Because of that, I knew of Jesus Christ and His Church, but I hadn't quite met Him at the level of my heart yet. It wasn't until I had experienced various moments of encounter with Him that I could really say I was growing in friendship with my Savior: Camp Crux in middle school, Joust and Fall Retreat with the Knights of the Holy Temple in High School, and the National Catholic Youth Conference with my high school youth group to name a few. These moments opened my eyes to deep love that the Father has for me and the friendship that Christ desires to have with us through the beauty, the adventure, the community of the Catholic faith. These experiences were only possible through the charity and service of those who wanted to help me grow in my relationship with Christ, and that I why and serving with Damascus as a summer missionary. I have decided its high time to give back and to serve in the same way countless other have in my life: showing catholic youth the great mystery, adventure, beauty, joy, and community the Catholic faith has to offer. Will you help me in this mission? Will you join me in the mission of helping catholic youth experience an encounter with Christ? God Bless, Will Clifford